Experience the difference
Karin Emmenegger
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Karin Emmenegger

Tanja Millner has been right at home at events all over the world for 20 years now – and never more so than when they relate to the tourist industry. The driving force behind numerous industry events, Tanja is used to seeing her creations – such as the 2021 Zurich Hospitality Summit and the first Swiss Hospitality Investment Club in 2022 – go on to achieve international acclaim. As a passionate event director and consummate networker, she has an intuitive understanding of what makes the distinction between a good industry event and a great one.

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Meet the Partners
Tanja Millner

Tanja Millner

Managing Director
Swiss Hospitality Investment Club
Ion Eglin

Ion Eglin

Partner & President of the Board of Directors
Bratschi AG
Daniel Schneider

Daniel Schneider

Founder & Senior Partner
Claus Jacobs

Claus Jacobs

Managing Director
Claus Jacobs Network
Ein herzliches Dankeschön gilt Claus Jacobs, Gründungsmitglied des Swiss Hospitality Investment Clubs. Mit seinem Engagement hat er die Entwicklung von Veranstaltungen für die Hotellerie in der Schweiz in den letzten 20 Jahren entscheidend geprägt. Wir freuen uns, dass er das Team des Swiss Hospitality Investment Clubs auch weiterhin in einer beratenden Funktion begleitet.